There are three classes for this age group, we create the class assignments by birth month; The Cruisers , The Reef, and The Inchworms. We do not believe in the term “Terrible Twos”, instead we are Terrific Twos! We are no longer babies or toddlers. We have opinions and can work with some independence. We have many things to learn and one main goal, to become fully potty trained! Once we have reached all of our learning goals and become a 3 year-old we will move up to the next age group, when space is available. In the meantime, we have a bunch to learn and do!
Each age group has a set of milestones that they work to achieve whether emotionally, socially or academically. The purpose of these milestones is to help students be prepared for the next classroom and eventually for their transition to Kindergarten. These goals are not limited to just being learned at school. We believe that parents are a child’s first teacher and we actively support efforts you are making to help your child reach their milestones. We will only get there if we work together.
We will be working on:
• Learn to follow 2 step directions
• Become fully potty-trained
• Communicating with the use of full sentences
• Develop an understanding of sharing and taking turns
• Learn to clean up after ourselves
• Recognize 6 basic shapes and 11 colors
• Learn to count to ten and begin to recite the alphabet correctly
(keep in mind we do not sing the ABCs or add the word “and” between Y-Z)
• Recite the days of the week and months of the year
• Recognize the first letter of their name in print
• Drink without spilling and eat with both a spoon and a fork
• Dress themselves
Our older twos will also work on:
Using scissors
Recognizing all the letters in their name
Demonstrating self-control and self-regulation
Our Day
Our schedule offers a variety of activities; including an AM and PM circle time and an AM and PM playground time. As we work on potty training, roughly every 2 hours we will stop to offer bathroom breaks. Meals are offered at 8:00 am, 11:30 am and 2:30 pm. We do art once a day in the morning along with many other small group activities throughout the day such as sensory play, blocks and building, dress up, and puzzles. We have a story time in the morning, at lunchtime, at naptime and again in the afternoon. All children nap from 12 pm to 2:30 pm.
Interested in learning more? Contact us to set up a tour!